Working with Django

Bonobo provides a lightweight integration with django, to allow to include ETL pipelines in your django management commands.

Quick start

To write a django management command that runs Bonobo job(s), just extend ETLCommand instead of, and override the ETLCommand.get_graph() method:

import bonobo
from bonobo.contrib.django import ETLCommand

class Command(ETLCommand):
    def get_graph(self, **options):
        graph = bonobo.Graph()
        return graph


You can override ETLCommand.get_services() to provide your service implementations.

One common recipe to do so is to import it from somewhere else and override it as a staticmethod:

import bonobo
from bonobo.contrib.django import ETLCommand

from import get_services

class Command(ETLCommand):
    get_services = staticmethod(get_services)

    def get_graph(...):

Multiple graphs

The ETLCommand.get_graph() method can also be implemented as a generator. In this case, each element yielded must be a graph, and each graph will be executed in order:

import bonobo
from bonobo.contrib.django import ETLCommand

class Command(ETLCommand):
    def get_graph(self, **options):
        yield bonobo.Graph(...)
        yield bonobo.Graph(...)
        yield bonobo.Graph(...)

This is especially helpful in two major cases:

  • You must ensure that one job is finished before the next is run, and thus you can’t add both graph’s nodes in the same graph.

  • You want to change which graph is run depending on command line arguments.

Command line arguments

Like with regular django management commands, you can add arguments to the argument parser by overriding ETLCommand.add_arguments().

The only difference with django is that the provided argument parser will already have arguments added to handle environment.



This module contains all tools for Bonobo and Django to interract nicely.

class ETLCommand(stdout=None, stderr=None, no_color=False, force_color=False)[source]



Entry point for subclassed commands to add custom arguments.

static create_or_update(model, *, defaults=None, save=True, **kwargs)

Create or update a django model instance.

  • model

  • defaults

  • kwargs


object, created, updated

create_parser(prog_name, subcommand)[source]

Create and return the ArgumentParser which will be used to parse the arguments to this command.

get_graph(*args, **options)[source]
handle(*args, **options)[source]

The actual logic of the command. Subclasses must implement this method.

info(*args, **kwargs)[source]
run(*args, **options)[source]
create_or_update(model, *, defaults=None, save=True, **kwargs)[source]

Create or update a django model instance.

  • model

  • defaults

  • kwargs


object, created, updated