Source code for bonobo.util.inspect

from collections import namedtuple

[docs]def isconfigurable(mixed): """ Check if the given argument is an instance of :class:`bonobo.config.Configurable`. :param mixed: :return: bool """ from bonobo.config.configurables import Configurable return isinstance(mixed, Configurable)
[docs]def isconfigurabletype(mixed, *, strict=False): """ Check if the given argument is an instance of :class:`bonobo.config.ConfigurableMeta`, meaning it has all the plumbery necessary to build :class:`bonobo.config.Configurable`-like instances. :param mixed: :param strict: should we consider partially configured objects? :return: bool """ from bonobo.config.configurables import ConfigurableMeta, PartiallyConfigured if isinstance(mixed, ConfigurableMeta): return True if strict: return False if isinstance(mixed, PartiallyConfigured): return True if hasattr(mixed, '_partial') and mixed._partial: return True return False
[docs]def isoption(mixed): """ Check if the given argument is an instance of :class:`bonobo.config.Option`. :param mixed: :return: bool """ from bonobo.config.options import Option return isinstance(mixed, Option)
[docs]def ismethod(mixed): """ Check if the given argument is an instance of :class:`bonobo.config.Method`. :param mixed: :return: bool """ from bonobo.config.options import Method return isinstance(mixed, Method)
[docs]def iscontextprocessor(x): """ Check if the given argument is an instance of :class:`bonobo.config.ContextProcessor`. :param mixed: :return: bool """ from bonobo.config.processors import ContextProcessor return isinstance(x, ContextProcessor)
[docs]def istype(mixed): """ Check if the given argument is a type object. :param mixed: :return: bool """ return isinstance(mixed, type)
[docs]def isdict(mixed): """ Check if the given argument is a dict. :param mixed: :return: bool """ return isinstance(mixed, dict)
def istuple(mixed): """ Check if the given argument is a tuple. :param mixed: :return: bool """ return isinstance(mixed, tuple) ConfigurableInspection = namedtuple('ConfigurableInspection', ['type', 'instance', 'options', 'processors', 'partial']) ConfigurableInspection.__enter__ = lambda self: self ConfigurableInspection.__exit__ = lambda *exc_details: None
[docs]def inspect_node(mixed, *, _partial=None): """ If the given argument is somehow a :class:`bonobo.config.Configurable` object (either a subclass, an instance, or a partially configured instance), then it will return a :class:`ConfigurableInspection` namedtuple, used to inspect the configurable metadata (options). If you want to get the option values, you don't need this, it is only usefull to perform introspection on a configurable. If it's not looking like a configurable, it will raise a :class:`TypeError`. :param mixed: :return: ConfigurableInspection :raise: TypeError """ if isconfigurabletype(mixed, strict=True): inst, typ = None, mixed elif isconfigurable(mixed): inst, typ = mixed, type(mixed) elif hasattr(mixed, 'func'): return inspect_node(mixed.func, _partial=(mixed.args, mixed.keywords)) else: raise TypeError( 'Not a Configurable, nor a Configurable instance and not even a partially configured Configurable. Check your inputs.' ) return ConfigurableInspection(typ, inst, list(typ.__options__), list(typ.__processors__), _partial)